Art's Place
3 min readOct 19, 2020



Compiled by Arthur MacKay

These resources are from our reference library and file cabinet … real and virtual. They are created from the contents of the working reference and publication files and are made available for reference purposes. They contain documents, drawings, photographs and other resources accumulated over a 50 year period, including public domain materials as well as materials with copyrights held by A.MacKay and others. Public domain images. Wikibooks and text from Wikipedia and other public domain sources are used where possible. They provide excellent basic information, links, and images which are added to our private collections. Many references are saved as PDFs since online documents disappear frequently. Links provided here may lose their connection in the future.


Eastern cougar or eastern puma (Puma concolor couguar) refers to the extinct or extirpated population of cougars that once lived in northeastern North America,which some authorities have considered to be a subspecies…



Art's Place
Art's Place

Written by Art's Place

Art MacKay - Marine biologist, artist, writer, webmaster

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