Art's PlaceWho was Hanna Dow and why was a hill on Deer Island NB named after her?The Devil’s Hand, Tom Cat Hill, Hanna Dow’s Hill … Deer Island, New Brunswick has more than it’s share of strange place names that never…Nov 7, 2022Nov 7, 2022
Art's PlaceHUMOUR - Never say "hello" to the ducks in the mall parking lot in Saint JohnNever say "hello" to the ducks in the mall parking lot in Saint John ... unless you have something to feed them.Jan 30, 2022Jan 30, 2022
Art's PlaceLOOKING BACK — A HEROINE AT GRAND FALLS. NEW BRUNSWICKAs might be expected, Grand Falls Nee Brunswick has been the scene of many an awful tragedy. The first bridge over the gorge fell with…Jan 21, 2022Jan 21, 2022
Art's PlaceBAY OF FUNDY: Where the Bay Becomes the Sea — a fragile and complex ecosystem.“This is a documentary about the fragile and complex marine ecosystem in the Bay of Fundy. The film traces relationships within the food…Oct 21, 2020Oct 21, 2020
Art's PlaceISSUES: History shows we won’t stop Superport Fundy.So can we change history? 20, 2020Oct 20, 2020
Art's PlaceMYSTERIES: If Champlain’s Anchor was found on Grand Manan, where is it now? >ORIGINALLY PUBLISHED MARCH 27, 2016Oct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
Art's PlaceQUODDY LIGHTS & BEACONSImages from around Passamaquoddy Bay, Bay of FundyOct 19, 2020Oct 19, 2020
Art's PlaceCOMMUNITY: Repurpose downtown St. Stephen NB or tear it all down?ORIGINALLY POSTED ON MARCH 1, 2016Oct 18, 2020Oct 18, 2020
Art's PlaceEXPLORE: Lighthouses of New England and the MaritimesHere’s most of the lighthouses from Massachusetts to Newfoundland courtesy of Google My Maps and the many contributors to this effort…Apr 16, 2020Apr 16, 2020
Art's PlaceSTREET ART: A small collection from Saint John, NBArt MacKay, September 2012, Updated October, 2018Oct 19, 2018Oct 19, 2018
Art's PlaceELECTION NB 2018 — Party Problems SimplifiedIt only takes a cursory look at our Facebook group, For NB Politics, for one to realize that New Brunswick has many, many serious issues to…Mar 4, 2018Mar 4, 2018
Art's PlaceAERIAL SPRAYS: When children died, it changed nothing.My experience with forest spraying in New Brunswick goes back to the 1950s when DDT was applied in massive doses to our forests. Over the…Apr 4, 2017Apr 4, 2017
Art's PlaceHow my downtown was killed. How are you doing with yours?Like many folks in Canada and the United States, I grew up in a small town. Mine was located on the Maine-New Brunswick border. Actually…Mar 29, 2017Mar 29, 2017
Art's PlaceThe Evil Plan to Control New Brunswick Has Been Revealed!THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2018, Updated April 15, 2020Feb 28, 2018Feb 28, 2018